The Toronto Star and "Terror":
Cutting through the spectacle
Picture from the Globe and Mail
I have usually been a Globe and Mail reader, but the recent coverage of Toronto's "terror" arrests in The Toronto Star has gained them a new reader.
Check out the article, Police put on a `good spectacle' by Linda Diebel, staff reporter.
"A good spectacle ... theatrical atmosphere ... like 24 ... an awards show."
Reviews for a Mirvish production, right? Maybe a Hollywood blockbuster or fast-paced new action series on Fox?
Wrong. It's how several lawyers and security experts describe the sombre, indeed frightening, events which transpired in the GTA over the past weekend.
This is incredible journalism.
Read the article, write letters of support into the editor and writer. More importantly, write the Globe and Mail ( and prod them to tread the "terror" news waters with similar grace, style and skepticism towards the law and order agenda. And let's all keep our heads and show these bozos up for what they really are. And by bozo's I mean all of these thugs at the RCMP and CSIS that are gunning for an american-style militarization of our police forces. Big fear leads to big budgets. But we're on to you clowns. Don't embarrass yourselves.
For example this picture from the "terror" press conference from the Globe and Mail:
Terrifying indeed. Flashlights, a barbeque grill, an AC adaptor for a car, and some duct tape. All wrapped up in the ultimate nightmare, an Ikea bag.
Get real. Get a better "props" person.
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